2018’s God of War is one of the best exclusives of the PlayStation 4 era, and now it’s been confirmed that you will be able to take your save file to the PlayStation 5 without an issue.

If you’re just halfway through the game or post-game Valkyrie hunting, your save game file is ready to roll over to the new console whenever you feel like heading to the next generation of consoles. Sony Santa Monica confirmed this compatibility today in a tweet which you can see right here!

The “favor performance” option also allows players to hit up to 60 fps, which is always nice when you want to land the hottest axes and tear up were-creatures to shreds. We expect to hear about tweaks, fixes, and other small changes like this for other titles heading from the PS4 to PS5, and we’ll keep you posted about details as they come in. Oh, and just in case you wanted to transfer your God of War III Remastered save to PS5, you can do that too!

You can check out our God of War review right here.

Source: Game Informer You Can Take Your God Of War Save From PS4 To PS5