Pokemon Sword and Shield is seemingly done with DLC. Now, there’s a chance Game Freak could announce an additional expansion or even a second season pass, Gearbox style, but at the moment, this might be the “complete” edition of Sword and Shield.

The Crown Tundra add-on introduced a ton of legacy Pokemon into the game (as well as a few new ones), but there is still a large amount of creatures that just simply are not supported. As in, you cannot find them out in the game world (or in either expansion) and they can’t be transferred in.

According to Serebii.net, there are exactly 234 Pokemon that still have not made the cut. You can check out a full list here, which includes a host of Generation 1 characters and several starters like Chikorita. At the time of publication, the current grand total of all Pokemon across all games is 898: the list ends with Calyrax, the new Crown Tundra legendary. With a new generation, that number could break 1,000.

In spite of its issues, I enjoyed my time with Sword and Shield well enough. But if Game Freak never adds the ability to recoup most (if not all) of these Pokemon, it’ll likely be forever-talked-about in the community. Game Freak has the opportunity to turn the conversation around on this, but I don’t know if they will.

Unobtainable Pokemon [Serebii.net]

Here's a list of Pokemon that still aren't in Sword and Shield yet, after the DLC screenshot

Source: Destructoid Here’s a list of Pokemon that still aren’t in Sword and Shield yet, after the DLC