It’s no Dungeon Keeper, but if you’re in the mood for efficient base management and capital e-Evil, you may wanna grab Dungeons 3 for PC while it’s free to claim for one week on the Epic Games Store.
Wait, wasn’t this supposed to be something else? You’re right – nice attention to detail.
Before a last-minute switch, this freebie was going to be Wargame: Red Dragon. I remember because the game’s name kicked off a recurring “all things Hannibal Lecter” chat with Chris and Brett. Without fail, one of us will say something every few weeks to trigger it and we end up talking about the good doctor for way too long. The chat inevitably ends in us rattling off iconic scenes from Red Dragon.
Before you dwell on other matters, please take a moment to remember Edward Norton’s bleached hair.
Next week, the Epic Store will have The Textorcist for free. It’s a loosely “educational” typing-action game about banishing demons and a whole lot of other nonsense. I’ll circle back on November 12.
Source: Destructoid Fill the Dungeon Keeper void with Dungeons 3 while it’s free on the Epic Games Store