This weekend, Ubisoft officially debuted the next event headed to its tactical multiplayer shooter, Rainbow Six Siege. As previously reported, Operation Neon Dawn will bring several reworks to the super-popular esports title, along with brand new Defender Aruni.
Hailing from Thailand, Apha Tawanroong was one of Royal Thai Police’s sharpest and most decorated investigators. Her world was shaken, however, when she was involved in a bomb blast while on an operation in Bangkok with Rainbow’s Thermite, which resulted in the loss of her left forearm and leg. Undaunted, Apha underwent extensive physical and psychological therapy, before donning prosthetic limbs and returning her field of expertise. Shortly after returning to action, Apha was approached by Rainbow’s crack sniper, Kali, who recruited Apha to black ops outfit and Rainbow collaborator NIGHTHAVEN.
Aruni, a 2-speed, 2-armor Defender, brings to the party the high-tech Surya Laser Gate. Deployed over doors, windows, and hatches, the Surya Gate not only damages any Attackers that step over the threshold, but also takes care of gadgets and projectiles that pass through its field, making its deployment over objectives near-essential. A small gap at the gate’s base will allow for drones or well-aimed projectiles, and the generator will power down for a brief recharge period once the field is broken.
Source: Destructoid Rainbow Six Siege introduces its first prosthetic wearing operator, Aruni