BY STEVEN LAGRONE: Team Fortress 2 is a classic game that many will have played over the years. Although TF2 was released in June 2007, it still boasts over 50,000 players daily on Steam alone.

My gaming adventure began as a 10-year-old when I would venture into my uncles basement every weekend to sit and watch him play the likes of Minecraft, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress 2.

While playing the age-appropriate Minecraft each Saturday when visiting my uncle, my sights were firmly set on Team Fortress 2.  TF2 struck me for the way that it combined silliness with more adult themes.  In truth, the fact that it was not a kid-friendly game probably made it all the more alluring.  I had to play it.  I had to have it.

Source: N4G PC Team Fortress 2: How My Gaming Adventure Began