This month marks an incredible two decades since Agent 47 first strode into our lives – poorly disguised – before leaving us for dead in a convenient laundry hamper. Yes, the Hitman franchise turns 20-years-old this month. That’s 20 years of silent assassinations, unfortunate accidents, perfectly-fitting discarded clothes and, of course, rubber duckies.

IO Interactive first introduced us to The ICA and its top operative, 47, way back in PC release Hitman: Codename 47 (2000) – a title now so utterly quaint in its clunkiness that it may seem bemusing to modern eyes that the franchise found the success it enjoys today. In the ensuing decades, Hitman has remained relevant thanks to its ability to adapt with the changing face of video games, adopting a successful episodic approach with popular reboot Hitman (2016) which began the ongoing World of Assassination trilogy.

Hitman franchise celebrates 20th anniversary, which entry is your favorite? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Hitman franchise celebrates 20th anniversary, which entry is your favorite?