Photo modes are a great tool that developers create so players can leave their own artistic mark on a game. Sometimes it’s the simple ability to take a snapshot of the in-game action. Other times, it’s far more nuanced.
Insomniac has developed a photo mode for Spider-Man: Miles Morales that greatly expands on the photo mode for the original Spider-Man on PS4. The most impressive addition is light manipulation. Insomniac says “You’ll be able to place and control up to three lights and adjust height, distance, color, light intensity, color intensity, spread and softness.” There’s also a setting for controlling the sun and ambient lighting.
Another feature that might spice up your photos is the ability to change suits from inside the photo mode. Of course, there are also new stickers and photo frames. Insomniac delivered one of my all-time favorite developer clapbacks via a sticker when it launched photo mode for PS4’s Spider-Man:
Source: Destructoid Spider-Man: Miles Morales has a truly next-gen photo mode