This week on The Finger Guns Podcast, Rossko, Sean, Greg and Toby tear through the weeks news and take on the weeks biggest topics including Xbox Series impressions, the first week of next-gen Xbox and what we have to look forward to with PS5 this coming week.

In the wake of the Nioh Remastered Collection being revealed we talk what games wed like to see get the remaster collection on next-gen and just how and why did Ghost of Tsushima sell five million copies since launch? Theres plenty of reasons and its a damn treat to find out why. Trust me.

We know how to pod. Rossko also takes us through the weeks big news, we talk hands-on with Tetris Effect Connected, Visage, Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, Spider-Man Miles Morales and of course, Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay.

Source: N4G PC The Finger Guns Podcast Ep. 84 – Next-Gen Xbox Impressions