Valve is tinkering around with how its storefront operates and compartmentalized its library for users to enjoy. Among the latest tweaks is the inclusion of an Adult-only NSFW games section designed to house mature titles that are not intended for younger audiences. 

While a plethora of these game titles are sexual in nature, not every single title included is sex-driven, including a few that are far-reaching into drugs and other more mature themes. That being said, it’s an adult section, so expect lots of hentai, tentacles, and the things that memes are made of. 

The new section is broken down into many subcategories including Games With Adult DLC, Realistic 3D Models, H (Sex) Scene In-Game, Furry, Gay & BL (Boys Love), Yuri & GL (Girls Love), Series, Daily Promotion, and more. Games creatively called things like “Men Bang” and “Sexena” (I hope you can tell I’m kidding here, but all in good fun) are available to opt into, though clearly meant for those 18 and older. 

It’s an interesting addition to the Valve experience, especially with the complicated relationship that platforms have with sexually-charged games. With Twitch’s strict ban on games like these to avoid minors seeing them, to others being de-listed due to controversial natures, this mitigation seems like a suitable compromise for offering a wider birth of titles without stifling creative freedom while also keeping the general community at large safe from content that may be unwanted. 

Personally, these types of games aren’t my particular forte’, but I would never judge. Especially with how much I talk about alien butts in Mass Effect? Come on. That being said, a potential issue that could arise is the type of content shown given the shaky past Valve has had with what type of games get greenlit. Dubious consent is a concern as a form of entertainment, so it will be interesting to see how Valve continues to regulate what goes on within its storefront, or if the company will be taking a more hands-off approach. 

This is not me condoning or condemning the new inclusion, fair citizens in the comment section, this is simply us sharing a new update to the storefront should this be of any interest and a small look at what it means for users. 

What do you think about the Adult-only NSFW game section recently added to Valve’s Steam storefront? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below! 

[Source: Steam]

Source: Game Informer Steam Now Offers A NSFW-Specific Game Section