Between pandemic lockdowns and uncontrollable fires changing the color of the sky, it’s easy to slip into the thrall of learned helplessness. Twenty-twenty has been suffocating, but playing Hades gave me a breadth of insight.

We’ve all had a rough year isolated from the life we previously took for granted. Maybe you miss getting sloshed at a bar with your pals. Maybe you long for a lost loved one. This year altered the context in which we all live our lives, and now, in that new context of living, Hades provides fascinating parallels to a world forever changed.

Our current world state resembles a hellscape, not unlike the bounds of the Underworld, but nothing stops Zagreus, Prince of the Underworld, from ascending—and neither should anything stop us.

How Hades rejects the illusion of isolation in 2020 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid How Hades rejects the illusion of isolation in 2020