Fortunately, digital files don’t take up any room in the stocking. Otherwise, that thing would be stuffed half a month from now. They only take up space on the hard drive.
You’re going to build an entire goddang city today. Epic is giving away one free game per day until the end of 2020. The first is Cities: Skylines. You’re certainly not getting shorted on content with the first game.
This is also the start of Epic’s holiday sale which is noteworthy in itself — these things always have decent discounts — but it ushers in another round of the ridiculous self-replenishing $10-off coupons. You’ll get a $10 discount on anything that’s priced $14.99 or above (pre-orders excluded). Then, once you use it, you’ll get another $10-off coupon in its stead. They’re limitless.
Anyway, claim Cities: Skylines, check out the holiday sale, take advantage of those coupons. The sale ends on January 7, so you have plenty of time to get after it. We’ll be back tomorrow with another post about the second freebie and a partridge in a pear tree.
Cities: Skylines [Epic Games Store]
Source: Destructoid Cities: Skylines is the first of Epic’s 15 free games