In a world where corporations take over farm land and ruin lives, and they lie to get to their position, it’s ironic that CD Projekt also lied about the games state on different platforms and tricked consumers by banning review footage. The message CDPR tried to say with the story is tainted by their own actions. Take that as you will.Â
Overall, Cyberpunk 2077 has an absolutely incredible cast of characters that make up a brilliantly serious, over-the-top and detailed story, which is kind of ruined by some of the gameplay’s weak points, the mediocre at best world and the lack of any real consequences in the plot. It’s a contrived mess to say the least, and a dissapointing experience at most. But it’s also one of my favourite stories ever made, one I imagine will be fixed over the course of the next year, and I can only hope; pray even, that CDPR fixes the mess they made and delivers us a somewhat better Night City after all.
Source: N4G PC Cyberpunk 2077 Review (PC) ExBee