GTA BOOM writes “The beautiful Cayo Perico is a secure private island located in the Caribbean, off Colombia. Although the island looks fun and suitable for leisure, it is run by a notorious drug lord named Juan Strickler, who also goes by the name “El Rubio.” And, of course, using a private island for drug manufacturing tends to mean there will be many “valuables” around, just waiting to be grabbed if you’re willing to take the risk. The Cayo Perico heist has three main parts: Intel, Prep, and the Finale. This guide will focus on the Intel part of the heist. In Intel, you must gather information around the Cayo Perico island by scoping it out and sending pictures to Pavel, your submarine keeper.”
Source: N4G PC All Scope Out Locations (Intel) In GTA Online's Cayo Perico Heist