VGChartz’s Brand J Wysocki: “Disappointing is a particularly interesting and subjective category. Although in truth its really not much, if any, less subjective than ‘Best’. That segues nicely into something that warrants being addressed – as you look through some of our other Game of the Year articles, you may notice certain games appearing on those lists as well as this one. As counterintuitive (or even outright wrong) as that may seem, it speaks to the aforementioned subjectivity, as well as the diversity of our staff and audience.
Disappointment is correlated to expectations, and expectations are a product of any number of factors, most of which are idiosyncratic. Beyond that, there are so many variables in how each game is ultimately experienced and enjoyed. A quick and fitting example would be performance and other technical issues that may be unique to a particular platform.”
Source: N4G PC Most Disappointing Game of 2020