The horror aficionados over at Bloober Team are resting easy this week, following the news that their latest spooky-ooky joint The Medium has already become profitable after just a few days of release.

Despite being an unknown IP, in a relatively niche genre, and only being available on two platforms, (PC and Xbox Series X), The Medium has managed to recoup all of its development and marketing costs since it hit the market on January 28. Going forward, all future sales will now be profit, which is the kind of success that studios today see as a green light to get an inevitable franchise up-and-running.

From a critical stance, the third-person adventure has been very polarizing, with some outlets leveling praise at The Medium’s use of technology, visual storytelling, and mind-bending dual-worlds, while others have decried its pace and lack of scares. The Medium seems to be an interesting experiment and such titles – in any… uhh… medium – will draw a differing response. Either way, Bloober Team’s new entity has achieved financial security, allaying publisher fears bigger than those of any boogeyman.

The Medium is profitable after just a few days [ / Gamespot]

The Medium already turning a profit in its release week screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The Medium already turning a profit in its release week