After learning that Apex Legends was going to arrive on Switch, we got yanked around a bit on the release date.

Of course Respawn had to put on the finishing touches (launching it with cross-play couldn’t have been easy), but for weeks on end we got comments like “soon,” or “any day now!” Finally, we got confirmation of “full feature parity” and a March 9 release date earlier this month.

But now Respawn is doubling down on that definitely-the-case date with a new showing at this week’s Nintendo Direct presentation, which has “March 9” emblazoned on the game’s video splash screen.

Nintendo reminds us that yes, cross-play is in on Switch, but you’ll be able to nab an “all-new legendary Pathfinder skin,” as well as 30 free levels for the season eight mayhem battle pass. Plus “for the first two weeks after launch, you’ll earn double XP on Switch.”

You can find the relevant bit on Apex Legends buried inside of the below Direct at around 41:15. It’s a blink and you’ll miss it sort of thing!

Nintendo Switch players get double XP for two weeks when Apex Legends launches on March 9 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Nintendo Switch players get double XP for two weeks when Apex Legends launches on March 9