In today’s contest you can win an iPhone 12 Pro and in-game prizes for Cobra Kai: Card Fighter!

Hey, so this is a new one! I’m used to giving out game keys, in-game contest, and even consoles, but this is my first time giving away a phone! I mean, a phone technically is a console, right?

Cobra Kai: Card Fighter hits Google Play and the App Store tomorrow, and to celebrate, the team over at Boss Team Games (responsible for the upcoming Evil Dead: The Game!) wants to give away a brand new iPhone 12 Pro! I’ll just sit over here all jealous with my four year old Galaxy S8 while y’all enjoy your new toys.

Contest: Win an iPhone 12 Pro, courtesy of Cobra Kai: Card Fighter screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Contest: Win an iPhone 12 Pro, courtesy of Cobra Kai: Card Fighter