Reviewing Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town has been an interesting couple of weeks, to say the least. When I first got my review code, I was told there would be a day-one patch that would aim to alleviate many of the issues that have plagued the title since its initial release in Japan. While those who buy it on day one will get all of the updates at once, I’ve been playing through it as it’s been slowly fixed in a piecemeal fashion.

It’s real shame the developers have had to spend the past month scrambling to fix the game because it’s is supposed to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the series. And generally, when you’re celebrating a milestone year, you don’t want a public apology to be part of the festivities.

Review: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Review: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town