Former Tango Gameworks designer Ikumi Nakamura is in the process of founding her own independent studio, with which she intends to utilize her wealth of ideas and industry experience in the development of original video games and other design projects.
Nakamura revealed these plans in a somber-but-inspiring Cutscenes documentary, which sees The Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo designer gingerly picking her way through abandoned and dilapidated locales, none of which would be out-of-place in her own games. Nakamura discusses her beginnings in the business, her struggles in an oppressive industry, her future plans, and the famous E3 2019 appearance that saw her blow-up on the internet – despite her own initial conviction that she had ruined both the presentation and her career. It’s funny how brutally unfair we can be to ourselves.
Source: Destructoid Ikumi Nakamura: Remnant Tour is a brief but engrossing look at the designer’s past, future, and ‘that’ E3 appearance