Monster Hunter Rise is here tomorrow, and the flood gates will be open.

Potentially 80 million Switch users are going to be jumping on the game, including a bunch of people at a company in Japan that has off work for the launch. If the demo crash is any indication, there should be a lot of people online tomorrow.

That said, you will need to grab a day one patch to go online. Capcom just confirmed the update this week, explaining that version 1.1.1 is required to play online, on top of the standard Switch Online membership. If you don’t download it, you can still play locally, “as long as every player uses the same version.”

As a note, the patch is 600MB, which brings the total size of the game up to 8GB. The meat of the update is “access to the content from the deluxe kit,” as well as the pre-order and amiibo bonus content. So basically, they need to add all those extras in day one, and you’ll need to download the update to get access to them; if you opted for the deluxe additions or the amiibo.

Speaking of, those amiibo are delayed by roughly a week in some regions, so you might not be opening those presents day one. You can check out the full patch notes below!

Version 1.1.1 [Capcom]

Monster Hunter Rise is getting a 600MB day one patch screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Monster Hunter Rise is getting a 600MB day one patch