You might remember, back in February, Arika announced an adapted Nintendo Switch edition of its cult fighting title Fighting EX Layer, with the promise of further news on April 1. Well, it seems that “further news” is the game’s actual release – at least in Japan – as Fighting EX Layer: Another Dash is now available on the Japanese iteration of the Nintendo eShop, with a western release to follow on April 15.

Fighting EX Layer: Another Dash is a free-to-play “stripped down” edition of the 2017 fighter, which features an overhauled control scheme, as well as the removal, or replacement of certain mechanics within FEXL‘s “Gougi” system. The free-to-play edition of Another Dash includes four characters – D.Dark, Darun, Kairi, and Shirase – while a paid DLC pack adds all remaining members of the FEXL roster, as well as online play. This will be the same delivery system for the western release, with the paid edition retailing for around $25.

Fighting EX Layer struggled to find its place in the crowded fighting game market, and while it has never really taken off as much as Arika might have been hoping, it’s a solid little fighter, with am old-school cast of characters and solid and generous support from its developer. Perhaps this new Switch edition will help the game to find a new audience in handheld form.

Fighting EX Layer's Switch edition, Another Dash, is headed west April 15 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Fighting EX Layer’s Switch edition, Another Dash, is headed west April 15