Outriders launched with cross-play. Kinda! Since day one players were greeted with a message stating that the system may not work with certain platforms, but now those issues have been smoothed over, developer People Can Fly confirms.

Taking to Twitter, the official account for the game explains that the Xbox version of the game has been patched to account for the cross-play problems, and that you can now properly cross-play between PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.

But there’s another lingering issue: inventory wipes. Recently some players have been reporting inventory bugs, and People Can Fly are “continuing to monitor performance and feedback.” There are aware of the inventory wipe issue, and are attempting to resolve it both on the server and game-side of things.

Now, there is a silver lining. The studio says that they are planning a “restoration for all affected accounts,” which is great news as long as they follow through. Annoying and inconvenient for sure to have to deal with such a big bug, but at least all hope isn’t lost.

If you’re impacted, you can find new context here. The inventory wipe bug is now the “top priority” of the team.

Outriders [Twitter]

New Outriders patch fixes cross-play woes, still working on inventory wipe bug screenshot

Source: Destructoid New Outriders patch fixes cross-play woes, still working on inventory wipe bug