We’re approaching the six-month mark of gaming’s ninth generation, and it’s been a liiiittle slow getting started. While we should all remember that most console generations have moved deliberately in their early days, it appears that a combination of both hardware shortages, high prices, and a lack of compelling exclusives have left many console fans content to hold off a little longer, comfortable that they aren’t missing all that much in a PS5/Xbox Series-free world.

Personally, there hasn’t been a single release that has rendered me stoked that I spent big bucks on a PlayStation 5. It was the most I had ever spent on a new console… and I owned a fucking 3DO. Still, I’m extremely excited to get my hands on Returnal later this week. I love Housemarque and I’m antsy to start dodging alien pew-pews, so I’m hoping the stunning-looking adventure will subdue some Buyer’s Remorse while I wait for Gen 9 to BLOW UP!…

… Any day now…

If you're not yet sold on next-gen, what dream title would pull you in? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid If you’re not yet sold on next-gen, what dream title would pull you in?