Sony has released its latest financial earnings report for the latest fiscal year — and it’s real doozy. The industry giant’s latest hardware, PlayStation 5, has shipped a staggering 7.8 million units since its launch back in November 2020, exceeding its sales forecast and leading to record profits for Sony’s Game & Network division.

Despite distribution issues and ongoing component shortages, PlayStation 5’s launch was an incredible success, shifting more consoles in its release period than last generation’s PlayStation 4 — though it should be noted that PS4 was made available in fewer territories at launch than PS5, which enjoyed a relatively global release. Combined sales of hardware, software, DLC, and PlayStation Plus subscribers led to overall record-breaking revenue of $24.4 billion USD for the fiscal year

Speaking of PS4, sales and shipments continue to slow on Sony’s trusty black box, which now stands at a very impressive 115.9 lifetime shipments. One million PS4 consoles have still moved from store shelves since the start of 2021, showing that there is life in the old dog yet. In regards to software, PS4 and PS5 sold a combined 61.4 million units in the fourth quarter of 2020, down a hefty 3.9 million units on the previous year, but still driving some $6.22 billion in revenue. Digital sales continue to dominate, with 79% of all software sales purchased as downloadable titles.

Paid subscription service PlayStation Plus continues to grow each year, currently standing at 47.6 million users, an increase of over six million users from the previous fiscal year. While the ninth generation of gaming has gotten off to a slow and troubled start — with issues concerning manufacturing, global distribution, scalpers, and a lack of first-party software — it seems that PlayStation remains firmly in the black, heading into gaming’s new dawn in as strong a position as it has ever been.

FY2020 Consolidated Financial Results [Official]

Sony reports PlayStation's 'best year ever' as PS5 shipments pass 7.8 million screenshot

Source: Destructoid Sony reports PlayStation’s ‘best year ever’ as PS5 shipments pass 7.8 million