Ultimately, Cyberpunk 2077 finds itself between a rock and a hard place despite factoring in the gripping narrative and satisfying finale. On one end it has a visually impressive but virtually dead open world that lacks any real incentive for engagement considering how superfluous everything is; on the other, are the mediocre gameplay and shallow RPG systems marred by poor design and glaring technical issues. It’s a schizophrenic product with a lot of good ideas but half-assed execution – no doubt in part due to the game’s troubled development cycle.
While CDPR’s attempts to polish the game haven’t been fruitless by any means, I still do not recommend anyone pick this up – for now at least. Cyberpunk 2077 admittedly does have some engaging stories to tell and scenic views to show, and I certainly had fun, if in bursts, throughout my ~120 hour journey – in fact, it’s the gripping characters and the stunning finale that kept me from regretting picking this up.
Source: N4G PC Cyberpunk 2077 (PC) Review – Smoke & Mirrors With A Silver Lining