The residents of English town Walsall have levied complaints at their local council over the implementation of 15 enormous plant pots, which bear more than a striking resemblance to the “warp pipes” of the Super Mario series. While this is obviously a positive boon to any city, some members of the Always Pleased British public are unhappy with the “eyesores.”
According to local newspaper Birmingham Mail, the Walsall council was asked to slash £29 million from its budget, which is leading residents to question why taxpayer cash has been splashed on the admittedly huge installations, which have been situated throughout the quiet market town. Rumors that running across Walsall’s rooftops allows you to skip a few worlds are yet to be substantiated.
“We’ve had so many shop closures in the last few years and the best thing the council can come up with is these garish monstrosities,” said local florist Andrea Loveridge to the Birmingham Mail, before cementing her point with delighfully old-school phrase “It beggars belief.”
Source: Destructoid Super Mario Bros. ‘warp pipe’ pot plants anger UK residents