It’s time for another first-party Nintendo release. No it’s not Zelda. It’s not Mario. It’s Miitopia! Remember that thing on 3DS? Well it’s back, in Switch form.

Miitopia is launching tomorrow, May 21, and at 50 bucks, it has a lot to prove. But it’s also joined by Knockout City, which is doing a very strange “first week free trial” scheme. After that you can “convert to the full game before the Block Party ends to keep your progress and unlock exclusive rewards.” Yikes?

Of course another big-time game is coming out in the form of Shin Megami III Nocturne HD Remaster, which arrives on May 24. Note that we have not tested the Switch edition, just the PS4 port on PS5. So…I hope it works out!

There’s other stuff coming to the Switch eShop this week too:

Nintendo Download: Miitopia screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Nintendo Download: Miitopia