Fallout 76 will host the second part of its Steel Dawn update, Steel Reign, soon enough. But before that happens, Bethesda is doing a little self-reflection.
In their latest blog update, the team notes that they are going to be “reviewing” data and opinions from public test server (PTS) participants, in an effort to adjust all of the upcoming changes like legendary reworks, as well as the Steel Reign content itself. The developers are “keeping a close eye on discussions,” and will potentially alter the testing ground as they gear up for the full release.
Here’s the full statement: “While it is still early in this phase of playtesting, we are looking to make some improvements in future PTS updates. For example, we’re looking into adjusting some Legendary Core drop rates and permanently increasing the Legendary Scrip limit, to help players more easily scoop up components they need to make legendary items. So, please keep sending your feedback to us on Legendary Crafting, as well as all of the other improvements, content, and features that are headed your way with the Steel Reign Update in July.”
In other words, the bulk of the content is done, they just need to shore it all up and check for bugs/make adjustments before the actual July drop. In that case they have plenty of time to massage the numbers to avoid potential Reddit pushback if the new systems are overly stingy: an avoidable event that happens all too often in live service games.
To facilitate all of this, Bethesda is adding “several premade characters” to every PTS tester account. Convientnly, two of them can start right at the beginning of the Steel Reign questline. Another character is basically maxed out with every reward, which you can use to “try out legendary crafting.” It helps to get more voices and a bigger sample size than just a few dedicated hardcore 1% players for sure!
“Every Friday” the team will add them to accounts that don’t have time, so long as you log on before each Thursday.
Inside the Vault [Bethesda.net]
Source: Destructoid Fallout 76 team is keeping a ‘close eye’ on recent testing feedback