Just a week after its Memorial Sale, Dell has decided to drop the prices on select Alienware RTX 30 series gaming laptops. These are far better than the RTX 30 series deals we saw during Memorial Day. In fact, although Alienware is known for its premium cost, these prices are actually in-line with what we're seeing from other brands. In the case of the RTX 3080 equipped Alieware laptop, it's one of the least expensive RTX 3080 laptops we've ever seen. These prices will most likely expire on Thursday, so get your order in sooner than later.
Alienware RTX 30 Series Gaming Laptops On Sale Now
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Your budget might still now allow for an Alienware laptop. If that's the case and yet you still want to jump onto the RTX 30 series bandwagon, Dell is also offering its G15 gaming series laptop with RTX 3060 graphics at a reduced price. The RTX 3060 mobile GPU is no slouch; performance-wise it stands toe to toe with the previous generation's RTX 2070.
Dell G15 Gaming Laptops On Sale Now
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Eric Song is IGN's deal curator and spends roughly 1/4 of his income on stuff he posts. Check out the IGN Deals articles and subscribe to the IGN Deals Twitter page.
Source: IGN.com New Deal Alert: Alienware m15 RTX 30 Series Gaming Laptops Are On Sale at Dell