Earlier today, during Microsoft’s E3 showcase, a new gameplay trailer for Somerville was shown off. The game looks eerily similar to titles developed by Playdead, makers of Inside and Limbo, which is probably thanks in part to Somerville’s developer, Jumpship, partnering with Playdead’s former CEO and co-founder Dino Patti back in 2017.

While the trailer was light on overall details, it did give brief looks at the game’s ostensible main cast – a mother, father, and small child. From the looks of things, a cataclysmic event has rocked the planet, leaving the three to try and survive against post-apocalyptic odds. The trailer showed off many levels from the game, including beaches, mines, and underwater sections. Similar to Inside, the game is a side-scrolling adventure game, with added elements of futurism thrown on top. The trailer offers brief glimpses at a teleporting gunman, levitating monoliths, and the chaotic destruction said monoliths bring when they fall from the sky. 

Check out the game’s new trailer below:

Click here to watch embedded media

Somerville will be released sometime in 2022 and will be available for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC. The game will also be available day one on Microsoft’s subscription service, Game Pass. 

Source: Game Informer Somerville, The New Game From Former Playdead CEO, Gets New Trailer