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The arrival of Halo Infinite‘s campaign is imminent. To get you ready for December 8, we sat down with the team at 343 Industries to learn everything we need to know about the upcoming return of Master Chief.

Halo Infinite takes place 18 months after the events of Halo 5, and a lot has changed since we last saw the Xbox icon. The UNSC is fighting for its life on Zeta Halo, The Banished are getting closer to completing their nefarious goals, and humanity once again hangs in the balance. Some of those tropes may sound familiar, but 343 is here to tell you why Chief’s new story should have fans excited. Quick SPOILER warning: We discuss where the characters are and some of their motivations headed into Halo Infinite. If you want to go in clean, come back to this video after you play the game.

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We set the table by answering the question of who Halo Infinite is for. The developers have worked hard to walk the line of appealing to both new fans and veterans alike, attempting to strike a balance such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt did before it. Next up, the discussion turns to where the game picks up again and what players can expect when The Pilot finds Chief floating in space.

But what’s a good story without a great villain? One of the other priorities for 343 was developing and fleshing out a threatening opponent in The Banished and their leader Escharum. While fans of Halo Wars 2 may be familiar with this splinter faction of Brutes, Elites, and more familiar alien faces, the team hopes to create new and engaging narratives around who Chief will be clashing energy swords with.

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Next up, we continue to discuss the mysteries of Halo Infinite, mainly where Cortana is and what has happened since Chief went dark six months earlier. To do that, we need to get to know The Weapon, your new AI companion who looks suspiciously like another Jen Taylor-voiced character. How does her story factor into the larger narrative? You’ll have to watch the video to find out.

Finally, we end our time with 343 by talking about how the team has emphasized merging gameplay with the narrative and their desire to keep players immersed as much as possible. But were they successful in their execution? December 8 can’t come soon enough.

Is the wait for Halo Infinite’s campaign feeling too long? We understand and want to help you through this time with our exciting new cover story! This month, we’re diving into a ton of new and compelling interviews, gameplay videos, and more from the team behind the next entry in Master Cheif’s story. Be sure to check out our quick looks at the game’s opening level, our campaign impressions, learn more about exploration and progression, and our look into the creation of the devious bots from the earlier versions of the multiplayer test flights. Thanks for watching, and let us know what you thought of the video in the comments below!

Source: Game Informer 343 On What You Need To Know About Halo Infinite's Campaign