From PC Gamer: “When Shadowlands first launched a year ago, it felt like World of Warcraft was on a comeback streak. Battle for Azeroth, the previous expansion, had been one of the most contentious in the MMO’s historyeven if Blizzard did improve some of the features that players hated. But Shadowlands was a clean slate. A chance to press reset and push WoW into a new era, all while tearing the veil off of one of Azeroth’s most fascinating realms: the afterlife. There were new zones to explore, new gear to obtain, and a whole smattering of new progression systems to learn and tinker with. It was an exciting time.

Fast forward one year, though, and I couldn’t feel more differently about World of Warcraft.”

Source: N4G PC Shadowlands' first year was so disappointing I've given up on WoW