Every long-running series has its turning points, times that demand reinvigoration and forward-thinking. Tales of Arise was Bandai Namco’s opportunity to enact meaningful change and enter a new console generation soaring. The developers didn’t let the opportunity pass by, rising to the challenge and breaking franchise sales records in the process. Tales of Arise took interesting risks and made smart improvements, resulting in a fantastic RPG full of endearing characters, intense battles, and rewarding exploration.

In its 26-year run, the Tales series has always had a passionate fanbase, but Tales of Arise helped expand the franchise’s reach and elevate its established formula to make it one of the best entries in years. While retaining the series’ essence, Bandai Namco brought in a new visual style, more strategic combat, and a mature story about warring nations. The latter especially made its mark for how it tackled socio-political issues, like racism, authoritarianism, and mental illness. Read more…

Source: Game Informer Best RPG 2021 – Tales of Arise