Jason says, “Was everything better in the old days? Nope. Is everything new terrible? Nope. Most moments the game manages to balance this out, but in other areas not so much. Primarily, it exceeds in the gameplay arena by keeping the controls feeling old, yet new and taut. It then faulters in (hopefully temporary) netcode issues, seriously missteps in the content arena for everyone NOT on Game Pass, and disappoints in graphics for current gen standards of Xboxs biggest franchise. The good news is that it feels so good and smooth to play and gives me serious Metroid Prime levels of visual and lore satisfaction.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Hope you all got some good videogame presents for Christmas!

Source: N4G PC Halo Infinite Review – Gives Me Metroid Prime Levels of Visual and Lore Satisfaction | Zyro-EG