If you’re excited to kill Chaos in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins, experiencing everything the adventure has to offer will require jumping through an extra hoop. Square Enix has announced that the game will feature additional, downloadable missions that won’t be available at launch. The catch? You can only get them by pre-ordering the game digitally.
The missions in question are called Trials of the Dragon King, Wanderer of the Rift, and Different Future. There are no details on what they entail content-wise, only that they won’t be available to purchase separately. The only way to access them is via the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game, which runs for $89.99. This means that pre-ordering the physical edition does not include the extra missions, so fans on that side of the fence will be missing out.
Pre-order the Digital Deluxe edition of #StrangerOfParadise #FinalFantasy Origin to receive three additional missions when they arrive: Trials of the Dragon King, Wanderer of the Rift, and Different Future: https://t.co/lkkhiQ5Gaz
These missions won’t be available separately. pic.twitter.com/wnDlXbNk5w
While tying DLC missions to pre-orders is nothing new, reading the replies to the embedded tweet shows that fans aren’t exactly pleased with this news. Those who have already thrown down cash on a physical pre-order (which has zero bonuses) are understandably up in arms. A few people who reserved the standard digital edition have reported an inability to upgrade to the Deluxe edition (on PlayStation at least). Since Square hasn’t divulged specifics of these missions, it’s unclear how vital they are to the game’s main narrative. One would assume they’re merely bonus missions that won’t impact the primary storyline, but Final Fantasy XV was semi-infamous for having glaring plot holes that were later filled in with DLC episodes.
It’s worth noting that pre-ordering any digital version of the game nets you early access to the game 72 hours ahead of launch, the Rebellion weapon, and Braveheart weapon/Lustrous shield. The Digital Deluxe Edition also tosses in a digital artbook/soundtrack.
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin launches March 18 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
What do you think about Square Enix locking mission content behind digital pre-orders? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Game Informer Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins Has Exclusive Digital Pre-Order Missions