Godrick the Grafted Bananas Boss Fight Elden Ring

PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Bandai Namco

From Software

February 25, 2022

Elden Ring is a hard game. It’s a From Software Soulsborne game so that’s no surprise. Be it a mouse and keyboard or a controller, bosses like Godrick the Grafted will undoubtedly give you some trouble in Elden Ring. 

Now, imagine fighting Godrick with some bananas. Like real edible bananas that you can find at any grocery store. Sounds impossible, right? Well, somehow it’s not because SuperLouis_64 on Twitter recently posted a video showing him do just that, as reported by Eurogamer

As you can see in the video above, SuperLouis_64 plays Elden Ring with bananas as well as some of us do on intended controllers (better than me, at least – I’ll be honest). He seems to be using bananas on the bottom left to control his Tarnished’s movement while his right hand seems to use three bananas to control attacks and dodges. Of course, this is pure speculation because the official Banana control scheme for Elden Ring has not yet been released by From Software (we eagerly await the day, though). 

News of SuperLouis_64 tropical feat comes just days after someone beat Elden Ring in under three hours without dying a singe time. In other news, I am not as good at Elden Ring as I thought I was, it seems. 

If you need help in Elden Ring, Game Informer has you covered, though. Check out our guide on how to beat Godrick the Grafted and then read our guide on Elden Ring’s best rune farming location. After that, check out this guide on how to find Elden Ring’s best summon spirit, and then read about this tactic that will help you easily beat every boss in Elden Ring

[Source: Eurogamer]

Have you been playing Elden Ring? Let us know what you think of it in the comments below!

Source: Game Informer Tropical Tarnished: Elden Ring Player Beats Godrick With Bananas