Grand Theft Auto V New-Gen PS5 Xbox Series X Loading Times

PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC

Rockstar Games

Rockstar North

September 17, 2013
(PlayStation 3,
Xbox 360), November 18, 2014
(PlayStation 4,
Xbox One), April 14, 2015
(PC), March 15, 2022
(PlayStation 5,
Xbox Series X/S)


Grand Theft Auto V is out today, again, this time as a new-gen game for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, and perhaps unsurprisingly, its load times are great. 

They’re so great, in fact, that playing on new-gen consoles is going to save you a lot of time in Los Santos. That’s because load times are more than 150% faster in some cases and even at the new-gen versions’ worst in terms of load times, it’s still demonstrably faster than PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect: 

GTA V Xbox Series X vs. Xbox One Loading Times – Brand New Game:

  • Xbox One: One minute and 59 seconds, according to MrWilliamThor’s comparison video on YouTube
  • Xbox Series X: 59 seconds, according to MrWilliamThor’s comparison video on YouTube

GTA V PS5 vs. PS4 Loading Times – Brand New Game:

  • PS5: 39 seconds (in my own personal experience – however, IGN reports that their new game only took 11 seconds to load)
  • PS4: 2 minutes and 18 seconds, according to IGN

As you can see, the new-gen versions of GTA V feature significantly faster loading times and as a result, you’ll be saving a lot of time in Los Santos. What’s more is that these faster loading times translate to all types of loading in GTA V. While we highlighted the new game loading times, other load times on new-gen versions, such as starting the game from an autosave, showcase similarly fast loading times.  

For more about GTA V, read Game Informer’s GTA V review and then check out the new-gen pricing and upgrade paths. Read about how GTA V has surpassed a massive 160 million units sold after that. 

Are you jumping into new-gen versions of GTA V today? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Game Informer Grand Theft Auto 5 New-Gen Load Times Are Going To Save You A Lot Of Time