The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on in-person events for a couple of years now. Although infection numbers have generally fallen in recent months, many companies continue to exercise caution when it comes to organizing public gatherings and Quakecon is one of them. The show’s organizers have announced that for the third year in a row, Quakecon 2022 will be a digital-only event.

In a post to Twitter, the organizers revealed that Quakecon will take place August 18-20 with more details to come in June. They explain that the constant uncertainty around holding large gatherings this year made it hard to commit to putting a show together in the time required. Quakecon will return to its normal in-person state in 2023, however. You can read the full statement below:

This year’s QuakeCon will once again be a digital-only event, August 18-20, 2022.

Like you, we’re disappointed to not return to Dallas this year. An event of this size requires months of planning, and in this case, we had to make decisions when there was still too much uncertainty to commit to successfully executing an in-person QuakeCon.

The QuakeCon team is already working hard to put together exciting new streaming programming, online meetups, giveaways, charity opportunities, the virtual BYOC, and more, and we will announce more details in June.

We’re committed to returning with our full in-person festival in 2023, and already looking forward to reconnecting with friends, a massive BYOC packed with your latest custom PC creations, our crazy contests, and tons of great new games and hardware for attendees to try out.

We can’t wait to see you online this August and in-person next year.

Quakecon was a digital event in 2020 and 2021, with last year’s show being free to attend. This news isn’t far removed from E3 2022’s outright cancellation last month due to similar concerns, though this month’s PAX East has committed to being a physical convention. Every company has their own comfort-level for dealing with the pandemic and while the situation has improved, we likely won’t see every event back in full from until at least 2023 and maybe beyond. 

Source: Game Informer Quakecon 2022 Will Be A Digital Event For Third Straight Year