Jason says, “If youre a One Piece zealot, then you likely already bought this game. But if youre more of a passive enjoyer of One Piece, then this game will be rather disappointing. It leaves a lot to be desired when stacked up against the JRPG scene, and it boils down to a problem of being fundamentally designed for a very young audience. It thus tosses systems your way to little effect, and finds itself designed after JRPGs of yester-decade. However, it does absolutely nail the One Piece authenticity factor in a way few game adaptations do, and it does it in a clean-looking, well-animated combat package, albeit having the stiffest boobs this side of 2023.”
Source: N4G PC One Piece Odyssey Review – The Stiffest Boobs This Side of 2023 | Zyro-EG