DS: Its not been a good look for Redfall, has it? From the announcement that youll have to be always online to play the game (which Arkane is trying to fix), to the news that Redfall will be capped at 30 FPS at launch on console, and also a frosty reception to some pre-release footage, its easy to be pessimistic about this vampiric romp through Massachusetts.

However, despite everything, Im still excited about Redfall. As someone whose primary mode of gaming is a PC, Im not personally bothered by either the always-online requirement or the framerate cap thats only going to affect Xbox players. I’m not trying to sound exclusionary here; it obviously sucks for some folks, and I sincerely hope Arkane will address these issues in a timely manner post-launch.

Source: N4G PC Despite Everything, I'm Actually Excited For Redfall