Demand for a sequel is about to skyrocket, like the good ol’ days of 2013!

In case you’re living under a suspiciously rock-shaped object, the recent PlayStation Showcase revealed that a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 will be coming, alongside a Master Collection of Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3. While it is a remake of an existing game, there’s a great deal of significance to it, considering the last time a game in the series came out was back in 2018 with Metal Gear Survive (and the less said about that, the better). Konami’s decision to pull a Konami and feud with series creator Hideo Kojima has long left the fate of Metal Gear uncertain, but this recent announcement has led to all bets being off as to where Metal Gear can go from here.

Source: N4G PC Why We Need Metal Gear Rising 2