Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Gamescom 2023

Gamescom Opening Night Live provided a platform for a new gameplay walkthrough of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. The video focuses on a new wrinkle called Open Combat Missions. These are player-directed missions, letting players engage how they want.

You can play stealthy with appropriate gear, go loud, use vehicles, tacticals, and even use killstreaks in campaigns. They work seamlessly with cinematic moments, with the idea being that players have increased agency and flexibility in how they choose to tackle story missions. 

Similar to last year’s Modern Warfare 2 gameplay reveal, we see a squad infiltrate a deep-sea vessel during a violent storm. After making their way into a base situated within an old fort, they proceed underground into a facility, blasting foes along the way. Though it’s hard to get a sense of the Open Combat Missions in this demo, the video provides a nice look at MWIII’s impressive visuals. 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III launches on November 10. 

Source: Game Informer Here's A Raw Look At Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III Gameplay