VGChartz’s Evan Norris: “Bandai Namco was all in on New York Comic Con this year. At the main entrance stood giant inflatable figures of Cell Max and Orange Piccolo of Dragon Ball fame, and inside the Javits Center over 25,000 square feet were dedicated to all things Bandai Namco. There were booths for Dragon Ball, Naruto, My Hero Academia, and The Gundam Base to name just a few and demo stations for SandLand and Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash.

For members of the gaming media, there were also opportunities to test out Bandai Namco’s upcoming game Naruto X Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections via an extended hands-on demo. I was fortunate enough to sit down with Brand Manager David Alonzo and Lead Producer Hotaka Suto to get a first-hand look at the action/fighting game that celebrates 20 years of the Naruto anime not to mention 15 years of the Ultimate Ninja Storm video game series.”

Source: N4G PC Experience the Entire Saga in Naruto X Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections | VGChartz Preview