WTMG’s Oliver Shellding: “One thing thats really turned me off from recent roguelite deckbuilders are the constant attempts to emulate Slay the Spire. Though the game is truly excellent and addicting, it makes no sense to consistently attempt to ape the style, flare or setup for how the game should be played. I sincerely appreciate that Phantom Rose 2 makes no attempts to be anything other than itself. There are an innumerable number of ways to earn in game currency to improve your run and improve the overall game, and, because this is the gaming world now, a bunch of costumes for Aria that take a laughable number of Diamonds (run clear currency) to obtain.

Yet the price of admission for Phantom Rose 2: Sapphire is merely the initial price tag and your time. Players will have a blast with this fully formed deckbuilder, both in terms of replay and strategy, not to mention incredible load times. Heres to hoping that makaroll adds some Steam overlay and achievements in the future,…

Source: N4G PC Review – Phantom Rose 2: Sapphire (PC) | WayTooManyGames