A new board game based on From Software’s Dark Souls series releases very soon. The Sunless City, the latest entry in Steamforged Games lineup of Dark Souls tabletop experiences, is slated to launch on February 14. If that wasn’t exciting enough, you can save big on the game by preordering at Amazon. Plus, you can get steep discounts two other Dark Souls tabletop games: Tomb of Giants and Painted World of Ariamis.

The Sunless City asks you and up to two other players to scour haunted ruins as either the Herald, Pyromancer, or Warrior. You’ll go up against deadly enemies like the Executioner Smough and Dragon Slayer Ornstein, and making it out alive requires careful strategizing and teamwork.

Though The Sunless City launches on Valentine’s Day, Amazon currently expects preorders to arrive starting February 15. But even though you won’t be able to go on the perfect Valentine’s Day date–exploring haunted ruins is obviously quite romantic–the new board game would make for a great gift for the Dark Souls fan in your life.

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Source: Gamespot New Dark Souls Board Game Gets Massive Discount Ahead Of Valentine's Day Launch