It may seem like players in the Fortnite community are always collectively up in arms about something–and that’s because they pretty much always are. The object of this week’s ire is the way that Epic Games has adjusted XP gains in this newly launched Chapter 6, making progression through the Season 1 battle pass feel much slower than any Fortnite season has in years. Unsurprisingly, this has become the main topic of conversation in places like the Fortnite subreddit this week.
Epic has made two fundamental changes in how players will primarily earn XP, and these changes will prevent most players from being able to progress quickly through the new battle pass or OG Pass. With the way things are right now, getting through the battle pass is going to take longer than it did in the past. It’s just a new fact of reality, though Epic has already softened the new changes a bit to make them somewhat more palatable.
It already felt a little bit worse than it probably really was, because the XP changes were geared toward keeping you playing regularly but not necessarily all the time. Slow and steady is the name of the game, and if you play several times a week you aren’t likely to have any issues finishing any of your passes before they expire. You’ll just probably have to wait longer to unlock all your goodies.
Source: Gamespot How To Get Fortnite XP In The Fastest Way Possible