VGChartz’s Mark Nielsen: “Halfway into the decade and the 2020s has been an interesting one for gaming in both good ways and bad, with the restructuring of the industry, a mix of innovation and the same old, and of course many, many long waits. But there have also been many quality titles, to be sure; the last three years in particular have seen a number of critical darlings. Something the most acclaimed ones have had in common (with the obvious exception of Astro Bot) has been an absolutely massive scope, easily boasting 100+ hours of content.
In my own experience that massive amount of content hasnt always been a positive; in fact I would go so far as to call their slightly overeager strive for quantity a shared flaw of these games. Ill be looking at four titles in particular here and going over the different ways in which these otherwise solid experiences became victims of having just a bit too much fluff.”
Source: N4G PC 2020s – The Decade of Bloated Masterpieces