PlayStation 4 firmware ticked up a notch to version 6.50 this morning, and it does something a little more interesting than offering undefined performance enhancements. After the update, players who also have an iOS device can stream PS4 gameplay to those mobile devices via a free app – similar to the Vita’s remote-play functionality.
First, you have to do a couple of things. You have to update your system to 6.50 (it’s about a 460 MB download) and grab the PS4 Remote Play app (found here). Then you log into the app with your PSN ID. You can either have the app automatically scan for your PlayStation 4, or manually register the iOS device if you’re feeling impatient by selecting the remote-play options in settings.
Once it’s done, you’ll be able to access your PS4 library and play games using control overlays on your screen. A version of the app is available in the Google Store, but it doesn’t appear to be working on all devices. So, at least for the time being, iOS is your best bet.
Source: Game Informer PS4 6.50 System Update Allows Game Streaming On IOS