The Hearthstone Summer Championship has come to a close. The Grand Finals came down to two Europeans, Kacper “A83650” Kwiecinski and Raphael “Bunnyhoppor” Peltzer. At the end, it was the German player, Bunnyhoppor, who wrapped up the tournament and won the final series 3-1.

The final game saw A83650’s Taunt Druid take on Bunnyhoppor’s Even Warlock. Bunnyhoppor was able to get his Mountain Giants online early, forcing A83650 to go on the defensive with Oaken Summons. But with both Giants on the board, flanked by a Stubborn Gastrpod, A83650 had no answers and Bunnyhoppor won the series 3-1.

Bunnyhoppor had a firm grip on the first game, able to pluck all of the necessary pieces to make his Shudderwock Shaman work. As soon as the jabbering monster hit the board, A83650 saw no way out for his Control Priest and conceded.

The second game saw Bunnyhoppor’s Big Spell Mage take on A83650’s Cube Warlock. A83650 was one of the few players to bring a Cubelock, as the competitive meta has shifted to Even Warlock. He had made the Cubelock work throughout the day, but Bunnyhoppor responded to the Skull of the Man’ari play with a top-deck Gluttonous Ooze to remove the Warlock weapon right away. That left A83650 with no way to play his Doomguards without their Discard drawback. He was undaunted, however, and despite the odds, still managed to pull off a Carnivorous Cube/Doomguard combo by using a clever Lord Godfrey workaround.

The third game was a battle of the two decks that fell short in the first game: the Big Spell Mage versus the Control Priest. This was a deliberately-paced game, with A83650 drawing both of his Mind Blasts before he could Discover copies with his Shadow Visions, while Bunnyhoppor had trouble finding Frost Lich Jaina. Bunnyhoppor’s task got much taller when he played Dragoncaller Alanna, but she and all of her accompanying 5/5 Dragons were tossed back into his deck after A83650’s Psychic Scream spell. But it didn’t matter, as Bunnyhoppor drew Jaina just two turns later and it was all academic from there. Shadowreaper Anduin came too late and Bunnyhoppor went up 2-1.

The top four finishers for this tournament will be returning for the Hearthstone World Championship in early 2019. The following four competitors have advanced to the Hearthstone World Championship:

  • A83650
  • David “Killinallday” Acosta
  • Torben “Viper” Wahl
  • Bunnyhoppor

This also concludes Season 1 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour season. Season 2 is set to kick off next week, when the HCT travels to Italy for its first Tour Stop.

Source: Shacknews Bunnyhoppor Wins 2018 Hearthstone Summer Championship
